The Power of Mindful Movement


By now you will already know how much I believe in enjoying movement for the sake of movement itself not for the before-and-after-photos.

For as long as I can remember, however, the fitness industry has remained obsessed with results and attaining a ‘perfect’ zero-body-fat look.

The problem with this is that it reduces good health to a matter of aesthetics and weight loss when in reality it is so much more. Health is way more than a number on a scale. The key to healthy bio-mechanics, and an injury-free and energetic life, is to learn to move in the right way and to build strength from the inside.

For me, the intention behind Beyond Move was to create a genuinely inclusive space, offering nourishing low-impact full-body workouts, where the emphasis is placed on the mental benefits of regular movement.

Moreover, I had discovered in my work with people living with neurological conditions like Parkinson's’ Disease or Multiple Sclerosis that combining the disciplines of Peto’s method with Pilates had brought about really positive change in the lives of my clients.

And so, Peto Pilates was born!

What is Peto Pilates?

In the 1940’s Professor Andras Peto, the Hungarian physician founded what is known as ‘conductive education’, which recognises motor disorders as learning disabilities rather than a condition that needs to be treated solely medically. The remedy, he concluded, is task oriented and ought to take into account the learning needs those with movement conditions have. Peto Pilates combines the wisdom of Peto’s conductive education with the skill and precision of Pilates, and I provide group and individual sessions throughout the week at the studio.

Of course, it should be obvious that people with movement conditions ought to ...well, move! But what is happening is that mainstream gyms and facilities are essentially failing to cater at all to this group of people.

That’s why we are so proud to genuinely be able to say at Beyond Move that we have beginner all the way to experienced movers, in our small and intimate sessions. Participants come from all walks and stages of life, and we all come to move in the same space. Where people need special attention, maybe for those who are pre- or postnatal, teens, post-operative or suffering from neurological conditions we have the ability to support your needs.

What sets our classes apart from the rest?

While my area of expertise is in Pilates and Peto Pilates, the studio also offers Yoga and Barre. I make sure that the teachers I work with understand the importance of not just cardiovascular health but also spinal health. We are interested in functional movement, which uses body-weight resistance and provides workouts that give clients the feeling of being stretched as well as worked.

The emphasis is on balanced low-impact, full-body workouts. When done right, this style of exercise is very effective at protecting students from injury, and in the meantime, strengthens the core, mobilises the spine and builds the foundations.

There’s a particular focus on being present. We care not a jot, as the Brits would say, about your leotards and crop tops; we just want you to get into your own world and enjoy the movements. When movement is carried out in this way, with joy and mindfulness, the evidence suggests it has the power to heal.

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Guidance, Motivatio, Newsletter Beyond Move Guidance, Motivatio, Newsletter Beyond Move

Celebrating Small Wins

Here is a reminder to focus on ‘the real’. True positive transformation is made up of small wins that consistently rack up and lead to big change over the course of many months and even years. Worrying, negative self-talk and stressing probably has never improved any situation, on or off the mat. However, when I feel balanced and centred everything is manageable. I think it comes down making time to acknowledge and celebrate our small wins, because if you don’t, you’ll feel like you’re never making any progress. If we celebrate the journey it makes the destination all the more sweeter.

by Noemi Nagy-Bhavsar

I don't know about you, but every year around Halloween and the season of fireworks (or perhaps because it’s also the time of my birthday), the anticipation of the year's end starts sinking in, and I feel like I am running out of time. I am sure I am not alone in these thoughts.

As we get ready for another exciting winter holiday season filled with friends and family, travel and present shopping, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed. Personally, I am beginning to feel like I am a juggling clown! What makes it all the worse is that most of the time, I don't even realise I'm stressed and living in my future plans.

We are programmed to be in a constant state of constructing the past or the future in the mind, and tend to leave present awareness for emergencies. But if we take time to notice the present we realise that the contentedness we seek is right here! When I move during my self- practice and when I teach (and I hope you feel the same when you take part in classes) I find myself enjoying the moment I’m in.

One of the most wonderful benefits of regular mindful exercise is that the observations we make on the mat, apply to our lives off the mat. How many of us can honestly say they have never felt frustrated with their progress? Most likely all people at some time wonder if they will ever be able to attain a goal/ posture/perform a particular exercise comfortably.

But with persistence and humility we do improve. Here is a reminder to focus on ‘the real’. True positive transformation is made up of small wins that consistently rack up and lead to big change over the course of many months and even years. Worrying, negative self-talk and stressing probably has never improved any situation, on or off the mat. However, when I feel balanced and centred everything is manageable. I think it comes down making time to acknowledge and celebrate our small wins, because if you don’t, you’ll feel like you’re never making any progress. If we celebrate the journey it makes the destination all the more sweeter. Which brings us neatly to the Beyond Move Xmas Party on November 25. Come along and celebrate how far you’ve come!

Do you have any great suggestions of any fun adult party games you’d like to play? Click here and let us know!

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